TWRP Manager

Live backup in TWRP Manager is incompatible with Busybox on Rails. If you are having issues this will be the first question we ask you. Their implementation of busybox/tar is non-standard.
This app allows you to Install zips, Restore backups, create backups (both classic in TWRP and live backup without rebooting device), and install TWRP recovery for supported devices. This utilizes OpenRecoveryScript to complete these actions.
Now features a premium live backup option. Nandroid backup your device while booted in Android and without rebooting to recovery.
We have also added in an in app purchase to remove ads.
If you are at all unhappy with your purchase email us with if you would like us to fix the issues or just refund your money. Either way we will happily oblige.
If you have any issues or questions please either email us and we will assist. We only have so many devices to test on between the 2 of us.


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  • Martin

    Twerp crashes as soon as I open it.

    • Kraken

      You might have to install Play Store. It crashed for me as well without Play Store, installed Play Store and and it works fine. I guess because it is trying to notify you that you should install some other extension and that requires play store?

      • Bret Zamzow

        That’s because it checks for licensing when opened.

  • George

    Oneplus One – Crashed too :(

    • Bret Zamzow

      Information can be helpful. What where you doing when it crashed, what ROM are you using, do you have xposed running?

  • Alexander Hradetzky

    Oneplus One: Works like a Charm :)

  • bob

    i really like TWRP, but I was unable to flash a custom ROM so I decided to try Clockwork Mod. As soon as I booted it I decided I didn’t want to use it and I have a TWRP backup that I need to flash in order to get some information from an app. But When I’ve tried to use TWRP it always goes to CWM in recovery mode, even though I’ve uninstalled and removed all the CWM apps and programs. CWM won’t flash the TWRP back up ROM. So what can I do. I have the latest version of TWRP Pro. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling TWRP. Thank you and thank you for making such a user friendly app.

    • Bret Zamzow

      allrite, you need to actually flash TWRP from the app to use the recovery.

      • alllrite

        Thank u i eventually figured that out

  • Jordan Sacks

    Hello, I am following this thread if anyone still watches. I have an at&t samsung galaxy S4 sgh-i337 build nc1. I have run twrp and ended with a “Downloading…Do not turn off target!!” message on the display and would not stop. I ended that with Volume down, Power, and Home keys held down until I could reboot. Now I get the blue snake circling and I have to hold the Powre button to get it to stop doing that and boot.

    • Bret Zamzow

      I have been working with Jordan via email

  • Habs Killa

    Since updating to Android 5.0, none of the reboot commands, including power off, are working. Is there
    something I need to do/change in order for this to work?

    • Bret Zamzow

      Try uninstalling and re-installing


    Crashes when i tap install twrp

    Android 4.4.2

    • TheReduxPL

      Similar here on Nexus 5, Android 5.0.1. I can go to “Install TWRP” but clicking “Recovery Version to Install” or “Install Recovery” causes a crash. My currently installed recovery is a modified version of TWRP (MultiROM).

  • Carlo Zins

    I have a problem with the live backup i buy it out of the app and when i go back to live backup nothing changed and when i press purchase i become the error that i have already payt for it.

    • Bret Zamzow

      This is rare but happens. What gapps are you using?

  • matesfm

    S3 international crash crash crash

    • Bret Zamzow

      Information would help us fix it.

  • HansVader

    I’m using TWRP Manager i has a feature request for LiveBackup .
    I really need a Option to set a Password for the Backup that will generated

    • Bret Zamzow

      That is an interesting feature idea. I will look into it.

  • Realish

    I can’t update TWRP. It downloads the newest version, confirms the partition (which, how the F am I supposed to know if “mmcblk0p43″ is the correct partition?), and then says:

    “flashing recovery was unsuccessful. either you already have this recovery installed or another error has occurred.”

    That is not very helpful. WTF do I do?

    • Realish

      Also, now, when I try to boot into recovery, it freezes on the “entering recovery” screen. So your app seems to have done nothing but screw up my existing version of TWRP.

      • Bret Zamzow

        Realish, while I apologize for the issues I hope you understand something.

        This is an advanced tool. You are expected to have an understanding of your device and how things work before using this app. Being able to identify the recovery partition is a part of that. A simple Google search will tell you if it is the correct partition.

        As far as your claim that we screwed up your existing version of TWRP, read above. Flashing failed which means you no longer have a recovery. If you would like to be a litte more professional we can absolutely help you, but you first need to calm down and try emailing us for support.

  • Oualdo

    How to use .blob files. Too bad !!

  • Douglasrac

    Where the livebackup goes? How much space do I have?

    • Bret Zamzow

      livebackups go to the same location as your normal backups. You have as much space is available on your phone.